Halflings and Blood Bowl

I enjoyed a trip down to Warhammer World in Nottingham UK this last week. It is a really fun place to visit for Games Workshop fans. Some friends and I have been a couple of times in the last few months, but this time we decided to play some Blood Bowl in Bugman’s Bar rather than book a table.

It was the right decision. Sitting comfortably, occasionally popping to the bar for drinks, and eating a delicious cherry bakewell was a great setting for the best Sportsball Game.

I finished up these two Treemen by Games Workshop in time for the Warhammer World visit, along with a little Akhorne Star Player

We decided to play a couple of exhibition matches each, with a 1,115,000 Gold team buy-in, plus 4 players could have a skill from their Primary skills, with the caveat that each skill had to be different. Also any unspent Gold could be used for inducements, which allowed me to squeeze in a Halfling Chef and Hot-pot.

In the first match I played against my own Dwarf team, as one of the friends didn’t have his own team. I helped him get to grips with the rules, and let him work out plays. I didn’t hold back too much, and some amazingly lucky dice rolls saw me kill one of his Slayers in the first block of the game. By the end I’d squeezed in a 2-1 win!

Halfling and Skink miniatures from Games Workshop's Blood Bowl board game.
This plucky Halfling Catcher managed to be completely obliterated by a skink and his Blitzing Saurus friend, deep in my own half!

Needless to say, the second game against Lizardmen did not go as well. Multiple failed dodges and absolutely devastating losses on both sides saw my final team of 9 limp to a 1-2 defeat. I did cheekily score a touchdown by lobbing one of my Hopefuls down range, and Akhorne made an appearance, savagely tackling a skink into the crowd, setting up the thrown-in that eventually saw me score.

This picture encapsulates what playing Halfings in Blood Bowl is all about.

This was one of the best game days I’ve had all year, I love Blood Bowl dearly, and craziness dialled up to 11 caused by using Halflings only makes it all the more fun. We’re now planning on doing an 8 team mini-league, where we each bring two teams. I’m planning on painting up a third team to take to the league, and run them and Halflings, rather than use my Dwarf team. Any suggestions welcome!

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